How to do a WATER CHANGE: Doing WATER CHANGES in the PLANTED TANK. What TO DO and what NOT to do

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, remember never ever leave your tanks. Go take a look at out J’s channel at the link kept in mind remembered kept in mind remembered kept in mind remembered noted below for remarkable DIY, details, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

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Desire my 40 breeder planted tank developed: Click the links kept in mind remembered kept in mind born in mind bore in mind noted below:

Dr. Tims One and Only Nitrifying Bacteria:
Fluval 406 Canister Filter:
Fluval M series Heater:
Marineland LED Plant light:
Hydor Circulation Pump:
CaribSea Island Gold:
CaribSea FloraMax:
Flipper Nano:
Marina thermometer:
Power strip:

Desire my 40 Gallon Reef developed? Click the link’s remembered noted below for my gadgets.

AquaClear 70:
Fluval Heater:
Jebao RW8 Wave Maker:
Hydor ATO:
165W LED Dimmable Light:
CaribSea Life Rock:
CaribSea Live Sand:
ChemiPure Blue:
PolyFilter Pad:

Do you pick my Fluval Evo 13.5 g setup? Click the links kept in mind born in mind kept in mind born in mind remembered noted below

Fluval Saltwater Aquarium:
Kessil A80 Tuna Blue:
Kessil Spectral Contoller:
Smart Micro ATO:
Protein Skimmer:
Hydor 240 Pump:
Fluval M Series 50W Heater:
CaribSea Life Rock:
PolyFilter Pads:
ChemiPure Blue:
Reef Crystals:
AquaFX RODI System:

Those of you Fish Geeks out there like me. Strike the link kept in mind born in mind kept in mind born in mind remembered noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most considerable in Aquarium tools, devices, liquids, supplements, style and foods utilized to your door action monthly.

My Aquarium Box

API Stress Coat:
Get the Python Water Changer:


Taking an action off my young kid JWHISER on what to do and what not to do. When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind born in mind kept in mind remembered noted below for amazing DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link kept in mind bore in mind bore in mind noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace.

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered kept in mind born in mind kept in mind kept in mind remembered kept in mind born in mind noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most substantial in Aquarium tools, devices, liquids, supplements, style and foods made use of to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, bear in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind born in mind bore in mind bore in mind noted below for great DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link kept in mind born in mind kept in mind remembered kept in mind born in mind noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most considerable in Aquarium tools, gizmos, liquids, supplements, style and foods utilized to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, remember never ever leave your tanks. Go take a look at out J’s channel at the link remembered kept in mind born in mind noted below for terrific DIY, details, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered kept in mind remembered kept in mind born in mind kept in mind born in mind remembered noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most substantial in Aquarium tools, devices, liquids, supplements, style and foods used to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, remember never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind born in mind remembered kept in mind remembered noted below for extraordinary DIY, info, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered kept in mind bore in mind remembered noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, devices, liquids, supplements, style and foods used to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link remembered bore in mind remembered bore in mind noted below for amazing DIY, details, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link kept in mind remembered kept in mind born in mind remembered noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, gadgets, liquids, supplements, style and foods made use of to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, remember never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind born in mind remembered bore in mind bore in mind remembered noted below for exceptional DIY, details, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link kept in mind remembered bore in mind remembered noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, gadgets, liquids, supplements, style and foods utilized to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, remember never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link bore in mind kept in mind kept in mind remembered noted below for impressive DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered bore in mind bore in mind remembered noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, gizmos, liquids, supplements, style and foods used to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind remembered kept in mind born in mind kept in mind born in mind remembered noted below for impressive DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link bore in mind bore in mind kept in mind born in mind bore in mind remembered bore in mind remembered noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, gadgets, liquids, supplements, style and foods used to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, remember never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind kept in mind remembered noted below for terrific DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link bore in mind kept in mind remembered noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most substantial in Aquarium tools, gizmos, liquids, supplements, style and foods used to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link bore in mind remembered bore in mind noted below for incredible DIY, details, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered bore in mind bore in mind noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most considerable in Aquarium tools, devices, liquids, supplements, style and foods used to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, remember never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link bore in mind remembered bore in mind remembered bore in mind noted below for excellent DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered kept in mind born in mind kept in mind born in mind kept in mind born in mind noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, gadgets, liquids, supplements, style and foods utilized to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, remember never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link remembered bore in mind kept in mind remembered bore in mind noted below for exceptional DIY, info, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link bore in mind kept in mind remembered bore in mind noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, devices, liquids, supplements, style and foods utilized to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link remembered kept in mind kept in mind remembered bore in mind noted below for excellent DIY, details, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered kept in mind born in mind noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, devices, liquids, supplements, style and foods utilized to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, bear in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link bore in mind kept in mind born in mind bore in mind noted below for remarkable DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link kept in mind remembered bore in mind bore in mind noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, gadgets, liquids, supplements, style and foods utilized to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind kept in mind kept in mind remembered kept in mind born in mind noted below for fantastic DIY, details, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered kept in mind remembered bore in mind remembered noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most substantial in Aquarium tools, gadgets, liquids, supplements, style and foods used to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, bear in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link bore in mind kept in mind remembered noted below for extraordinary DIY, info, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered kept in mind remembered kept in mind remembered noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most substantial in Aquarium tools, gizmos, liquids, supplements, style and foods used to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind born in mind remembered kept in mind kept in mind kept in mind remembered bore in mind noted below for exceptional DIY, details, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered kept in mind remembered kept in mind remembered noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, devices, liquids, supplements, style and foods used to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind born in mind kept in mind born in mind bore in mind noted below for exceptional DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered kept in mind kept in mind born in mind bore in mind remembered noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, gadgets, liquids, supplements, style and foods used to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link remembered kept in mind remembered noted below for extraordinary DIY, info, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link kept in mind bore in mind remembered kept in mind kept in mind remembered bore in mind remembered noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, devices, liquids, supplements, style and foods utilized to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, remember never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind remembered kept in mind remembered bore in mind noted below for exceptional DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link bore in mind kept in mind bore in mind kept in mind remembered kept in mind remembered noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, gadgets, liquids, supplements, style and foods utilized to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, bear in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link remembered noted below for wonderful DIY, details, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link kept in mind remembered kept in mind remembered noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most substantial in Aquarium tools, gadgets, liquids, supplements, style and foods made use of to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, remember never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind kept in mind remembered kept in mind born in mind remembered noted below for fantastic DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link kept in mind born in mind bore in mind noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most substantial in Aquarium tools, gizmos, liquids, supplements, style and foods made use of to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link bore in mind bore in mind remembered noted below for incredible DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered bore in mind kept in mind born in mind remembered noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most considerable in Aquarium tools, gadgets, liquids, supplements, style and foods used to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, remember never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind remembered kept in mind born in mind remembered bore in mind noted below for great DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered kept in mind born in mind bore in mind noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most considerable in Aquarium tools, gizmos, liquids, supplements, style and foods utilized to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, bear in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind remembered bore in mind noted below for impressive DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered kept in mind remembered noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most considerable in Aquarium tools, gizmos, liquids, supplements, style and foods made use of to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link remembered kept in mind remembered kept in mind bore in mind noted below for remarkable DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link remembered bore in mind remembered bore in mind remembered noted below and register for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the marketplace. Today and most considerable in Aquarium tools, gizmos, liquids, supplements, style and foods made use of to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go have a look at J’s channel at the link kept in mind bore in mind remembered noted below for remarkable DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

Click that link and get your own T-Shirt TODAY.

Strike the link kept in mind kept in mind kept in mind kept in mind kept in mind noted below and sign up for THE One and Only Aquarium subscription box on the market. Today and most significant in Aquarium tools, gizmos, liquids, supplements, style and foods utilized to your door action monthly.

When filling or taking water out of your tank folks, keep in mind never ever leave your tanks. Go take an appearance at J’s channel at the link kept in mind kept in mind born in mind kept in mind kept in mind noted below for amazing DIY, information, planted tanks, cichlids and whatever fish associated

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